The best advice my dad ever gave me
Twice in my life, my dad has told me to never give up.
Once when I was having problems keeping up with runners on the track team and another time when I was thinking of taking a year off between high school and university.
When I was struggling with keeping the pace in track, he told me the worst thing I could do is stop. Even if you have to slow down and walk it out, don’t stop moving.
The same advice came again years later when I was thinking about holding back a year before leaving all of my friends and uprooting to a new city. We were driving home and I ran the idea by him and he said if I stopped now, I’d never start again.
Keep the momentum, don’t stop because you’re scared.
It’s the best advice he’s ever given me and I always remind myself to never stop and never give up when I come across something that’s scary or challenging.
Thanks, Dad, happy birthday, wouldn’t be where I am without you 💕